Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Time Out for Women 2009

<----A couple of my Besties!

A group of friends and I recently attended a Women's conference..TIME OUT FOR Houston. It was such a fun weekend! First of all I was very excited to be getting away by myself. I was going to be only LUANNE for an entire 48 hours!!!! I was also looking forward to spending that time with some girls who really make me laugh! There's a good chance of pants-wetting whenever Im around them cause they are that funny...ther are always witty comments flying here and there and I can't get enough! Another cause of excitement during this weekend was getting to hear Kenneth Cope sing. He is AWESOME. The first time I heard himwas as a 14yr old at EFY and I have loved him since. So getting to hear him made me feel young again! The car ride there and back was filled with tons of laughter. The conference was awesome and just the spiritual boost Ive been needing, and the time spent with my girlfriends was priceless. I came back feeling relaxed and ready to be a better mom and wife. I can not wait til next year!


Minta said...

It looks like you had tons of fun! I'm glad you got to get away. It really is nice to take a breather, isn't it?

How cool to meet Kenneth Cope. I've never gone to one of her concerts but heard he is really good.

Cheeky Kitchen said...

{Squeal of delight!} We've got one coming to Denver and I'm hoping to make it. Time Out for Women is sooo much fun, isn't it?! And...Kenneth Cope? How is it possible to love his voice SO MUCH!?

Thanks for your visit to my blog today...and for becoming a follower?! I'm so flattered.

Happiest day!